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The time has come: after several days of lively discussion and nomination of many prize-worthy candidates, as well as subsequent elections, the Cnobel Prize Committee announces this year’s winners of the three Cnobel Prizes with their respective categories.
The prize winners listed below will be contacted by us and will receive a magnificent Cnobel Prize certificate. The laudations and the reactions of the prize winners will be published in the next editions of the Freshcuber Podcast.
Cnobel Prizes in Literature 2020
The Cnobel Prize in Literature and Media honors individuals who have promoted the Magic Cube or Cubing through publications of high quality and originality. This year, the Cnobel Prize in Literature is awarded in 5 categories:
Cnobel Prize for Literature 2020 „Film and Television“
- We are pleased to announce that we have awarded the 2020 Cnobel Prize in Literature and Media in the Film and Television category to Chris Olson for his film Why We Cube.
(Links: Chris Olson, Why We Cube)
Cnobel Prize in Literature 2020 „Video“ (Youtube channel)
- This year’s Cnobel Prize in Literature and Media in the Video category is awarded to Ming Dao Ting for his YouTube channel Tingman, which he operates together with his daughter Laura Ting.
(Links: Ming Dao Ting, Laura Ting, Youtube: Tingman)
Cnobel Prize in Literature 2020 „Podcast“
- The 2020 Cnobel Prize in Literature and Media in the Podcast category goes to Josh for his podcast The CornerCutter Podcast.
(Link: The CornerCutter Podcast)
Cnobel Prize in Literature 2020 „Book“
Cnobel Prize in the Book category this year resulted in a draw in the vote, so the Cnobel Prize Committee is awarding two authors this year:
- The Cnobel Prize in Literature and Media in the Book category goes to Ernő Rubik for his book Cubed: The Puzzle Of Us All, published in 2020.
- And the Cnobel Prize in Literature and Media in the Book category goes also to Ian Scheffler for his book Cracking The Cube, published in 2016.
(Links: Cubed, Cracking the Cube)
Cnobel Prize in Literature 2020 „Website/App“
- The 2020 Cnobel Prize in Literature and Media in the Website/App category goes to Patrick Kelly and Mike Hughey, representing the entire staff team with the main components Forum, Wiki and Weekly Competition.
Cnobel Prizes in Economics 2020
The Cnobel Prize in Economics, Development and Marketing of Cubes is intended to honor individuals and companies who have made a name for themselves in the field of twisty puzzles and have made a positive impact on the development of the cubing scene through their products:
Cnobel Prize in Economics 2020 „Cube Company“
- The Cnobel Prize Committee has chosen to honor the manufacturer YongJun (YJ) 2020 with the Cnobel Prize in Economics, Development and Marketing of Cubes in the Cube Company category.
(Link: YongJun im Speedsolving-Wiki)
Cnobel Prize in Economics 2020 „Cube Designer“ (or Modder)
- The 2020 Cnobel Prize in Economics, Development and Marketing of Cubes in the Cube Designer category goes to Nathan Wilson.
(Links: Nathan Wilson bei Instagram und Youtube)
Cnobel Prize in Economics 2020 „Cube Shop“
- This year the majority of the Cnobel Prize Committee decided to award with the Cnobel Prize in Economics, Development and Marketing of Cubes in the Cube Shop category.
Milestone Cnobel Prizes 2020
The Cnobel Prize for Milestones in Cubing is awarded to people who have made a special contribution to the cubing world and have pushed developments that can be called milestones. This Cnobel Prize is also awarded in 3 categories:
Cnobel Prize 2020 „Pioneers of Cubing“
The vote of the Cnobel Prize Committee has revealed that in 2020 no less than 3 people will receive the Cnobel Prize for Milestones in Cubing in the category Pioneers of Cubing:
Uwe Mèffert receives the Milestone Cnobel Prize 2020 for the invention of the Pyraminx (even before Rubik’s magic cube) and for many interesting puzzles published by his company Meffert’s.
- David Singmaster receives the Milestone Cnobel Prize 2020 for, among other things, the cube notation with letters he invented. And for many publications on the magic cube and especially on cube mathematics.
- Herbert Kociemba receives the Milestone Cnobel Prize 2020 for, among other things, the Cube Explorer program and for his contribution to solving the Cube with as few moves as possible. He was also involved in finding the so-called „God’s number“ 20 for the 3×3 magic cube.
(Links: Mèffert, Singmaster, Kociemba)
Milestone Cnobel Prize 2020 „Role Model Speedcuber“
- The Cnobel Prize for Milestones in Cubing in the Speedcuber category goes to
Feliks Zemdegs, who for many years has not only taken care of his own Speedcubing career, but has also contributed in many ways to make Speedcubing better known and to develop certain techniques and methods.
(Links: Feliks Zemdegs, WCA,
Milestone Cnobel Prize 2020 „Diligence Worker“
- The 2020 Cnobel Prize for Milestones in Cubing in the category Diligence Worker goes to Stefan Pochmann. He has worked on many developments, especially in the early days of the WCA. For example, he was involved in creating the WCA database. He invented the Megaminx scrambling, which is still used today. And his influence on blindsolving is legendary.
(Links: Stefan Pochmann, Wiki)
So these are the 14 winners of the Cnobel Prizes in 2020, and we congratulate them most warmly. In the coming editions of the Freshcuber Podcast (from episode 32 on) you will hear laudations on the winners, and in addition hopefully some reactions of the winners of the Cnobel Prizes.
Thank you to the podcast team who has done good work as the Cnobel Prize Committee. Supporting me (Roland Frisch), these are: G. Billing, F. Damke, A. Dieterich, H. Gerber, V. Hüttig, W. Klose, V. Morgana, C. Sachgau, T. Schukraft, C. Schweitzer and A. Stein. And also a big thank you to Doro for the Cnobel Prize certificate artwork.
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